How to Create a Logo That Stands Out From the Competition

September 1, 2023 | 0 comments

How to Create a Logo That Stands Out From the Competition

Logo design is typically one of the first elements of the branding process, and in fact, logo creation should follow a strategic branding plan, which will identify the voice of the brand and the audience based on the product or services the company will provide. Branding also provides answers to questions such as:

  • What does the company stand for?
  • What does it stand against?
  • Who is your competition?
  • What is the personality of your brand?

The process of branding essentially defines what makes a company unique. Once you have a full understanding of these key components of your brand, you can then engage in crafting a logo that answers to your brand’s intentions and character.

Brand Colors in Logo Design

Brand colors are where your brand can really stand out from the competition. It is a well-known fact that customers are attracted to products based on the colors and visual appearance of their branding and logo. Thus, the selection of a brand’s color palette is an important step in the logo design process. Here are a few rules to follow when selecting brand colors for use in your logo:

  • Use a color wheel to select a base color that reflects the most dominant personality trait of your brand with respect to your target market (i.e., if your brand is feminine, a pink base color might be effective; if your company relates to the environment, an obvious base color would be a green hue). The base color will become the platform for your logo design.
  • Select a secondary color that compliments your base color on the color wheel and also speaks to a primary trait of your company.
  • Select a neutral color that ties your other two colors together that can be used in the background and for shading.
  • Select colors according to their psychology. For example, orange conjures up enthusiasm and conveys youthful optimism, while black communicates protection, power, and sophistication.

Planning for Your Logo

Your brand logo will be the face of your company and product, so take your time pre-planning for your design. Consider the placement of your logo, including your social media profile, product packaging, ad banners, and favicon. A design that fits well in any virtual or print space will be more readable and reach more customers. A scalable logo design is preferred, and a square shape, specifically, lends well to social media-size placement.

Think Abstract

Creating an abstract symbol that ties in with your name brand and can be used with or without your company’s name is a great idea to make things easier going forward. For example, the Starbucks logo emblem can stand alone or be combined with the brand name and brand text when necessary.

Create an Adaptable Design

When you begin to draft a design for your logo, think of your logo design as a fluid design more so than a permanent one. Being flexible about your logo design will allow it to change, if necessary, to suit your customers’ perceptions. It may need to shift direction to make a more impactful impression down the road.

An adaptable logo can be modified while still keeping the same inherent elements. Therefore, when initially creating your logo, consider selecting elements that lend well to change and that aren’t too intricate. Additionally, maintaining simple design elements will avoid confusion or misrepresentation of your message to your audience.

Tips for the Logo Designing Process

Take the time necessary to research your customers, your colors, and your own thoughts and feelings. Ask yourself, “What feelings can your logo invoke that will make customers want to buy your product over the competition’s?” Consider these other questions, as well, while brainstorming and drafting ideas for your perfect company logo and incorporate the answers into your design:

  • What do you want people to feel when they see your logo? (Think raw emotion)
  • Why does your company do what it does?
  • What type of customer do you want to attract?
  • What will attract this type of customer?
  • What three words would your customers use to describe your brand?
  • What three words would you use to describe your brand?

For professional help coming up with a brilliant logo design, Arca Interactive can design a beautiful and professional logo that stands out from the competition and accurately represents the voice of your company to your target audience. Contact us today to discuss how we can help your company succeed.

Justin Arcara
Justin Arcara
Justin is an entrepreneur, web developer, and the founder of Arca Interactive that specializes in website design. Arca Interactive builds high-performing, custom websites for local and national brands.



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