Chris Navin, former vice president and chief marketing officer at Arca Interactive, covered a variety of topics related to SEO and display advertising and tailored the discussion to those sitting at the table. A few of the notable nuggets he shared:
- Get your campaigns running strong first, before you introduce retargeting (both social and search).
- Retargeting can be especially effective for big purchase items where people are doing online research (think cars/trucks and education for example).
- Display advertising is much cheaper to run if high volume awareness is the goal.
- Use longtail keywords and broad match modifiers to maximize your search budget in a crowded space. This particular example was for the very competitive market of MBA programs in the upstate NY area.
- The Google Analytics search query report can assist in understanding which ads are triggering and provide suggestions for updating keywords.
He also talked about many different tools that are available for measuring online activities. A few of the tools that seemed to resonate with the table covered HubSpot, Spyfu and SEOmoz.
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