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Posts From
Author: Justin Arcara.
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About The Author.
When is it Time to Redesign Your Website
Though the phrase “the only constant is change” may sound cliché, the sentiment behind the saying holds true. Ignoring this...
Arca Interactive Ranked in Top 19 Best Digital Marketing Agencies in Rochester
One way to increase the success of your marketing efforts is to partner with a marketing agency. Developing a personal...
We’ve Updated Our Website & Logo For a Fresh New Look
Though 2020 hasn’t provided the most stable world for real-life changes, the internet is thriving and changing faster than...
9 Essential Tips for Creating the Ideal Logo for Your Brand
When done right, your logo can convey in a single image what you usually need several full sentences to accomplish—the...
5 Tips to Guide Your Digital Marketing Strategy After COVID-19
As is evident from the moment you turn on the news, the COVID-19 pandemic remains a strong influential force in today’s...
Why Your Digital Marketing Focus Shouldn’t Waver in This Time of Crisis
The world is currently facing a new type of pandemic. The COVID-19 virus continues to sweep the world, and life in the...
Five Ways Web Design and SEO Work Together to Increase Your Ranking
With the increased focus on improving SERP rankings as well as other SEO measures that have gained relevance lately, it can...
Web Design Trends to Consider in 2020
The waning months of the year often bring with them a sense of introspection. With 2019 near its end, we’re about to embark...
Elevate Your Video Marketing With These Three Tips
For the past few years, some of the greatest minds in marketing have been extolling the virtues of using video in marketing...
Responsive Web Design: Does Your Site Have These 3 Features?
Good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has many facets – quality content, savvy digital marketing, and a responsive website....
How to Design a Killer Landing Page
Landing pages are where internet users “land” after finding your site through a search engine. Your landing page is often...